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Lou Ferrigno

"Jack LaLanne is the Godfather of Fitness, and a true icon of our industry. He was Mr. Everything. He was an entrepreneur, bodybuilder, TV host, and chiropractor, and he inspired millions of people all around the world to live healthier lives.

Jack was such a sincere person; he never said a bad word about anyone. He was always a giver, never a taker. He would always encourage and motivate people to do their best, and he always had such a positive attitude. When you were around him, that positive mentality would wear off on you, and it made people respond to what he was saying."

"As someone who’s constantly encouraging people to live a healthy lifestyle through working out and proper nutrition, I have the utmost respect for the man that started it all – Jack LaLanne. Jack was clearly a fitness visionary. His hard work and determination have been an inspiration to millions including myself.

Though I was never fortunate enough to meet Jack while he was alive, I have had the pleasure of meeting his wife, Elaine, who is a bona fide health and wellness ambassador in her own right.

Being spiritually and physically fit is the key to everything that has brought me success in my life. Jack figured that out long before I did. I can only hope that my words and actions can continue his tradition and inspire millions more."

Mark Wahlberg

Billy Blanks

"I want to be the black, Jack LaLanne. Since I was eleven years old I have been talking about Jack LaLanne. And then being able to go to QVC, standing next to him as he was promoting his juicer and I was promoting Tae Bo, who could have seen this happening … God did."

"I was so fortunate to be on The Jack LaLanne Show for many years after meeting him in the early 1980s at the President’s Council on Fitness in Washington, DC. After I became the fitness expert on the Today show, I would do a segment with fitness tips and information.

I would always mention that Jack LaLanne gave me my first start on TV.

Jack would call me right up and say, “Denise, you’re one of the only ones who always thanks me.” I would credit him for my success and he would call me and thank me for remembering him. Jack was truly a motivator.

So much of his legacy was his ability to motivate people. He was an innovator as he created so much of the equipment we use in the fitness industry today and he was the original fitness influencer. He was so far ahead of his time."

Denise Austin

Todd Durkin

"My path into the fitness industry was inspired from working out at Jack LaLanne’s gym during high school and college. When I had the chance to meet Jack at one of the IDEA World shows, I thought I wanted to be like him. This is the guy you emulated. His mindset and physicality was awe- inspiring.

We in the fitness industry should put a pioneer like Jack LaLanne on our shoulders. We need to make sure the younger generation of trainers, fit pros, fitness enthusiasts, weekend warriors, and many others know who Jack LaLanne was and howhis legacy will live forever. Jack was a chiropractor. He didn’t practice formally because of the stigma of the medical community.

He also became a pioneer through his time studying nutrition. He really looked at sugar and what it does to the brain 50+ years before this research was accepted by many doctors, and other men and women who are leading the way today.

You talk about mindset. The dozens of different physical feats that Jack did are impossible if you don’t get your mind right. Jack epitomized the idea of a mind-right maniac. He was a stud. He’s the kind of guy that I still want to be. To the day he died, Jack was swimming, he was lifting, he was working out. He maximized life."

"In the early ‘80s, I was doing a television show called Alive and Well. I had the privilege of not only doing fitness, but also lifestyle segments. As part of that journey, I was able to go to Jack and Elaine’s house in the Hollywood Hills. When I went there, Jack was outside by the pool. So I walked out to the pool to see him tethered to the side doing laps. When he finally popped out, he was beyond belief in shape. He told me that he had spent the last hour doing laps but that was after he had already done an hour and a half in his gym.

I was at the beginning of my fitness career and that was our first meeting. I felt he was a prophet. I looked up to him and hung on every word. I lost my parents when I was a teenager, so my involvement with health and fitness improved my mental outlook. He embodied all the principles that changed my life, pulled me out of a depression and kept me on track.

This had a big impact on me. He was the first person that I ran into who spoke my language; spoke what I felt in my heart. I knew that a healthy lifestyle--eating right, taking care of your body was the foundation for everything else we do."

Kathy Smith

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